1 sgd to myr exchange rate history
Singapore Dollar to Malaysian Ringgit currency converter. In 1 week SGD to Ringgit forecast on Tuesday, March, 24: exchange rate 3.0144 Ringgits, Convert SGD to MYR using live exchange rates. available, an example SGD MYR currency conversion table, SGD to MYR history listing Singapore Dollars to Malaysian Ringgit Currency Converter Thu 12/03/2020, 1 SGD = 3.0305 MYR. Malaysian Ringgit - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on March The USDMYR spot exchange rate specifies how much one currency, the USD, SGD to MYR currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for Singapore Dollar to Malaysian Ringgit allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years.
Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Malaysian Ringgit(MYR) Exchange Rates History - FX Wednesday 18/03/2020, 1 SGD = 3.03651 MYR, SGD MYR rate 18/03/2020.
Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Malaysian Ringgit(MYR) Exchange Rates History - FX Wednesday 18/03/2020, 1 SGD = 3.03651 MYR, SGD MYR rate 18/03/2020. The Malaysian ringgit is the currency of Malaysia. It is divided into 100 was originally valued at 8.57 dollars per 1 British pound sterling. was exchangeable at par with the Singapore dollar and This SGD/MYR Chart lets you see this pair's currency rate history for up to 60 days! CashChanger uses highly accurate, actual street rates of money changers. View the latest MYR to USD exchange rate, news, historical charts, analyst ratings 1 Day; MYRUSD -0.51%; EURUSD -0.85%; USDJPY 0.39%; BUXX 1.70%. This currency conversion tool provides foreign exchange rates set by Mastercard to convert from the transaction currency to your card's currency for cross-border
Malaysia's Exchange Rate against USD averaged 4.162 (MYR/USD) in Feb 2020 , compared with 4.079 MYR/USD in the CEIC extends history for monthly average Exchange Rate against USD. 173,190.181 Singapore (SGD/USD).
The table below shows historical exchange rates between the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) and the Singapore Dollar (SGD) between 3/10/2019 and 9/5/2019. min = 3.0024 (March 21) avg = 3.0328. max = 3.0654 (April 18) The table above displays historical exchange rates between the Malaysian Ringgit and the Singapore Dollar. Welcome to the MYR SGD history summary. This is the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Singapore Dollar (SGD) exchange rate history summary page, detailing 180 days of MYR SGD historical data from Sunday 10/03/2019 to Wednesday 4/09/2019. Highest: 0.33341 SGD on 31 Jul 2019. Average: 0.32976 SGD over this period. The table below shows historical exchange rates between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and the US Dollar (USD) between 3/8/2019 and 9/3/2019. min = 1.3463 (March 20) avg = 1.3659. max = 1.3910 (September 2) The table above displays historical exchange rates between the Singapore Dollar and the US Dollar. 1 SGD = 3.0371 MYR - Sirajudin Money Changer (SMC) has the best and cheapest exchange rates in Singapore! Updated regularly. SGD MYR Historical Exchange Rate. Tuesday, 17th March 2020. Subscribe; Twitter; Facebook; Currency Converter Live Currency Conversion, Calculators and Currency Exchange Info Singapore Dollar: Malaysian Ringgit: Analysis: Monday: 16/03/2020: 1 SGD = 3.0291 MYR: SGD MYR rate for 16/03/2020: Sunday: 15/03/2020: 1 SGD = 3.029 MYR: SGD MYR rate
This SGD/MYR Chart lets you see this pair's currency rate history for up to 60 days! CashChanger uses highly accurate, actual street rates of money changers.
This page shows the exchange rate of Singapore Dollar (SGD) To Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) on 31 Dec 2019 (31/12/2019).If you would like to view the current exchange rate of the currency pair, please visit Singapore Dollar (SGD) To Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Exchange Rates Today. You also can click the currency name to view the exchange rates of this currency converting to other currencies. A Squeak, Not a Roar, from USD SGD Exchange Rate in 2014-2016 In the summer of 2014, the USD SGD exchange rate traded at 1.237, which is to say that the Singapore dollar – the currency of Asia
View the latest MYR to USD exchange rate, news, historical charts, analyst ratings 1 Day; MYRUSD -0.51%; EURUSD -0.85%; USDJPY 0.39%; BUXX 1.70%.
Historical Date, Singapore Dollar, Malaysian Ringgit, Analysis. Monday, 16/03/ 2020, 1 SGD = 3.0291 MYR, SGD MYR rate for 16/03/2020. Sunday, 15/03/2020 SGD to MYR currency chart. XE's free live currency conversion chart for Singapore Dollar to Malaysian Ringgit allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to By viewing the currency pairs exchange rate history graph (different periods for Wednesday 18/03/2020, 1 SGD = 3.05307 MYR, SGD MYR rate 18/03/2020.
Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Malaysian Ringgit(MYR) Exchange Rates History - FX Wednesday 18/03/2020, 1 SGD = 3.03651 MYR, SGD MYR rate 18/03/2020. The Malaysian ringgit is the currency of Malaysia. It is divided into 100 was originally valued at 8.57 dollars per 1 British pound sterling. was exchangeable at par with the Singapore dollar and This SGD/MYR Chart lets you see this pair's currency rate history for up to 60 days! CashChanger uses highly accurate, actual street rates of money changers. View the latest MYR to USD exchange rate, news, historical charts, analyst ratings 1 Day; MYRUSD -0.51%; EURUSD -0.85%; USDJPY 0.39%; BUXX 1.70%. This currency conversion tool provides foreign exchange rates set by Mastercard to convert from the transaction currency to your card's currency for cross-border Malaysia's Exchange Rate against USD averaged 4.162 (MYR/USD) in Feb 2020 , compared with 4.079 MYR/USD in the CEIC extends history for monthly average Exchange Rate against USD. 173,190.181 Singapore (SGD/USD). View a Malaysian Ringgit to Singapore Dollar currency exchange rate graph. This currency graph will show you a 1 month MYR/SGD history.